Ethics Statement
Journal Policy for Plagiarism
The Jordanian Educational Journal has a No-tolerance policy for plagiarism. When the authors submit a manuscript to the Journal, it is clear that the submitting author(s) certify that their submitted manuscript is original research that has not been previously published or is under review for publication elsewhere. Plagiarism occurs when authors submitted others’ ideas, phraseologies, information, or other sources of material without acknowledging the original owners of these materials or another person’s written work or ideas as their own, as text, illustrations, images, long quotations, recordings, download materials from the Internet or taken from manuscripts or other forms of media. Duplicate publication, sometimes called self-plagiarism, occurs when an author reuses substantial parts of their own published work without providing the appropriate references. This can range from having the same paper published in multiple journals, in which authors add small amounts of new text or data to a previously published paper, or re-publish a portion of it.
§ Authors are responsible for indicating and acknowledging the sources for all ideas, text, images, or diagrams, published and unpublished material, including lectures, presentations, masters and Ph.D. theses.
§ The Editor-in-Chief and the editorial board of the Jordanian Educational Journal have the right to check the plagiarism of all submissions through different technological tools. In our journal the main tool is Turnitin.
§ All the submitted manuscripts containing suspected plagiarism or plagiarism percentage > 25%, will be rejected from the initial phase of the reviewing process. Explanations may be required in the case of significant similarities to previously published work.
§ If any reader discovers an incidence of plagiarism involving a published manuscript in the Journal, we ask that you inform the editors. If the editors determine that significant plagiarism has occurred, we may remove the article or take other action that is deemed necessary.
Multiple, Redundant Publication
§ Multiple: The authors should not send their research manuscript to more than one journal; It is not allowed for authors to submit a manuscript being evaluated to another journal simultaneously or years later.
§ Redundant: The authors should not split the research manuscript into several parts and submitted each manuscript part to two or more journals. Self-plagiarism is considered a form of redundant publication.
§ The authors should frankly announce when they use previously published research.
§ The Translations of published research without permission or notification are considered duplications.
Conflict of Interests
Researchers are entitled to announce if there are any conflicts of interest and reveal financial support or any other kind of support provided for them. Also, they are entitled to reveal any financial conflicts or other issues that affect the finding of the research.
Publication Decisions
The responsible for acceptance and approving the publication of the research submitted manuscript to the journal is the editorial board. Papers submitted manuscripts to the journal are evaluated initially and actually to ensure that they meet all the criteria of the publication’s Policies, regardless of race, gender, religion, or nationality. Only consider the scientific value of the submitted manuscripts. The editorial board is committed to improving the scientific value of the journal through publishing research of high quality.
§ Editor-in-Chief and the editorial board members panel undertake confidentiality for any information related to submitted manuscripts to the journal, only the authorized information by the authors, and editors.
§ Editor-in-Chief and the editorial board members are not permitted to use any information stated in the unpublished manuscripts.
§ The reviewers cannot request the author to cite any of their own publications in the submitted manuscripts.
Reviewers' Duties:
§ Reviewers help the Editorial Board to make decisions for the submitted manuscripts.
§ The editorial board of the journal supplies the reviewers with the regulations, and standards of the journal.
§ The editorial board commits to keeping the reviewer's information confidential.
§ It is important that the selected reviewers sent the review result to the editorial board during the determined time. (in some cases extra time will be given to the reviewer).
§ Reviewers are needs to deal confidentially with submitted manuscripts.
§ Reviewers are required to follw the objective criteria in reviewing where personal judgment about authors is not allowed.
§ Reviewers are needs to reinforce their clear opinions and scientific arguments regarding submitted manuscripts.
§ Reviewers are required to notify the editorial board if the author is non-compliance of the author with the standards of publication in the journal.
§ Reviewers are required to be sure of the suitability of the references to be, correct referencing, and the matching in the body of the manuscript.
§ Reviewers are not allowed to use information, or ideas stated in the reviewed manuscripts for personal purposes.
§ Reviewers are required to disclose any conflict of interest, which may make the reviewing result biased.
Authors Duties:
§ The Authors need to comply with the author's regulations (Policies) and the writing style announce by the journal.
§ The Authors need to present the results and discussion to fulfill the aims of the research and the methodology.
§ The Authors need to enhance a manuscript with modern references.
§ The Authors need should not submit their manuscript to more than one journal.
§ The Authors need to supply the journal with Specific names of the authors, one of the authors must be the corresponding author.
§ The Authors can reveal financial support or any other kind of support provided for them.
§ The Authors need to notify the editor in case they discovered misstatements in the methods and results of their manuscripts in order to perform the corrections.